How to choose a rain pillar?

What a rain pillar looks like

A rain pillar is shaped like a hexagon or octagon made of wood that is completely hollow inside. Inside the pillar, a mixture is poured in, which, like an hourglass, is slowly poured down from the top.

The rain pillar consists of only natural materials and tiny crystal balls. The walls of the rain column are made of different types of wood - okoume, maple, beech, oak. Each wood species has its own specific characteristics that carry over into the sound of the rain column.

Cork is glued to both bases of the pillar, mainly to protect the pillar itself when it is overturned. The cork also acts as a damping function so that vibrations are not transmitted to the base or floor. Last but not least, it is a very decorative element.

Thanks to the ingenious construction inside the rain column, various sounds such as clinking, peeling, rustling can be heard. The sound of hissing is therefore never uniform, quite the opposite.

Deep vibrations emanate from the pillar, which relaxes, soothes, calms.

How to make a rain pillar sound

It couldn't be simpler! Just one turn and you get up to tens of minutes of relaxing sound.

Just take the rain pillar, gently turn it with the heavier side up and you're done. Now enjoy the long sounding flowing melody.

How to choose a rain pillar

Depending on its height and wood species, the rain pillar sounds at different intensities. Different woods are therefore suitable for different therapeutic uses. If you are not sure about the right choice, please contact us and we will recommend the right rain column for you.

In general, choose according to the space where the rain column will be sounded. If it is a large room - a spacious living room or even a gym, choose a taller column from 90 cm from Okoumé. This exotic wood can also sound a large space because it transmits sound easily. If you want to offer your clients the maximum experience, we recommend placing one column in the foreground and another behind the clients. This way the sound will travel through the entire room and be completely immersive.

If you are choosing a rain pillar for your massage room or your beauty salon, sauna or relaxation room we recommend choosing hardwoods such as maple, oak, beech. The sound of these woods is more subdued and intimate. A pillar height of 70-90 cm is sufficient here.

If you are choosing a portable companion for your yoga activities or to take to your clients, a 30 cm and 50 cm umbrella column is great. Here the wood option is not so essential. Place the pole close to the client, ideally at the level of their torso, and let the rain column sound.


Below you will find a table of the volume for each rain column. Here you can see that maple is always quieter than okoume.

You simply affect the column volume by the distance the rain column is placed from the listener. The farther you place the rain column from the recliner or chair, the less noisy the column will be.